2015 Program pt 2

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Lookout (objects in mirror)

Lookout (objects in mirror)

Georgia Hutchison

07.10.2015 - 30.10.2015
Opening 07.10.15 6-8pm
Artist Talks 28.10.15 6-7pm

The sculptural enters the photograph — becoming a landscape, a building, a vortex. The image exits as formal, mounted and leaned, verging once more on an environment. In the middle ground is the uncertain presence of the photographed ‘things’ — the accoutrements of looking.

The works within Lookout survey and translate material landscapes through digital photography and sculpture. Via touristic photography and assemblage, Hutchison speculates on the role of contemporary photography as something non-possessive; a mediator in the act of seeing.

Extending on a photography practice situated within a still life oeuvre, this new work widens the field of observation and content. A shift of focus from the thing to the act — encounters are captured within photographic objects, considering the materiality of media and negotiating the procession from ‘photograph of thing’ to ‘photograph as thing’.

Earlier Event: 30 September
LA2015 SYDNEY: Beyond Capitalist Surrealism
Later Event: 4 November